Welcome To Coping Power Rural

Coping Power Implementer Access

Click below to request implementation login credentials and coursework materials to begin your Coping Power journey!

Coping Power Caregiver Resources

Learn more about Coping Power and get access to tools, tips, tricks, and other free resources.

Coping Power Teacher Resources

Get access to tools, tips, tricks, and other free resources that will help you learn about the Coping Power curriculum with your students.

Coping Power Coach Access

Click below to request coach login credentials and materials to better support your implementers and schools.

Coping Power Success Stories


  • We teach a variety of skills including: emotional awareness, emotion regulation, coping with challenges, managing conflict, perspective taking, developing healthy friendships, resisting peer pressure, and decision-making.

    To access specific details about any of these topics, please sign up for a parent, teacher, or implementer account to get more specific information on any of the lessons.

  • No. If you would like your child to sit out from any of the lessons, please let us know and we will provide them with a secure location and alternative activity during the Coping Power lesson time.

  • The small group sessions are designed to help students that might need a little extra practice with different social skills or emotion recognition and regulation. In the small group, they’ll have the chance to work with a trusted adult and small group of peers to develop their skills. The small group is not punitive and will not take them away from key academic time.

  • Research from the What Works Clearinghouse indicates that Coping Power may help: reduce aggression, reduce theft, assault, property destruction, and drug selling, reduce the risk of alcohol, tobacco, and other drug usage. In addition, it has been shown to increase academic engagement.